DR.RASHEL Fast Hair Removal Cream For Men, 120ml


Rs.1,245 Rs.1,650


Introducing DR.RASHEL Fast Hair Removal Cream for Men – your go-to solution for achieving smooth, hair-free skin. Specifically designed for the male body, this powerful hair removal cream effectively eliminates unwanted hair from key areas such as the armpit, chest, back, and legs, as well as sensitive zones. With results that surpass traditional shaving, this cream provides a hairless finish that endures significantly longer, giving you a clean and confident look.

Key Benefits:

  • Versatile Application: Targets various body regions, proficiently removing hair from denser body parts and sensitive areas alike.
  • Long-lasting Results: Enjoy a hair-free appearance that persists for days, outliving the effects of regular shaving.
  • Quick & Painless: Offers a fast-acting formula that removes hair swiftly without the discomfort associated with other hair removal methods.
  • Convenient: A practical alternative to shaving, saving you time and providing smoother results.

How to Use DR.RASHEL Hair Removal Cream for Men:

  1. Prep the Skin: Ensure the skin area you want to treat is clean and free from oils or lotions. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Apply Cream: Spread a sufficient amount of the cream evenly over the hair, fully covering it. Use the spatula provided for smooth and easy application.
  3. Wait: Leave the cream on your skin for the time specified on the packaging, typically between 5-10 minutes.
  4. Test and Remove: Test a small area first. If the hair comes away easily, proceed to remove the rest of the cream using the spatula or a damp cloth, moving against the direction of hair growth.
  5. Rinse: Wash the area with lukewarm water and gently pat dry without rubbing.
  6. Moisturize: Consider applying a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to soothe the skin post hair removal.


  • Conduct a small patch test 24 hours before full application to ensure no allergic reaction occurs.
  • Do not use on broken or irritated skin.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and rinse thoroughly with water if this occurs.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Packaging: The hair removal cream is provided in a tube with an easy-to-use spatula for clean and precise application.

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